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Monday, November 8, 2010

GOLF DVDs: Three steps to maximize learning from a disc

Millions of golf instructional DVDs are sold every year, especially during the Holiday Season. Millions of golfers purchase DVDs looking for that Holy Grail of the golf swing in their search of improvement and perfection.

I urge caution when it comes to attempting to learn the golf swing from a golf DVD. However, if this is your preferred method of instruction, I would like to suggest you consider something, and that is…when it comes to learning about motion, it is very difficult to learn on visual, static and auditory levels at the same time. This is exactly what golf DVDs do, which ultimately serves to confuse and minimize their message.

Mixed, varied and often times inconsistent messages sum up why golf DVDs, while a good way to provide an overview of a particular swing method or theory, fall short on delivery of a quality message and often content when it comes to any type of effective instruction. While there is no substitute for hands on professional golf instruction, still, people seem to flock to DVDs for advice and wisdom when it comes to the golf swing. These ‘lessons on a disc’, generally wind up in a pile with similar DVDs collecting dust in a corner of your office or under the entertainment center in your den.

In order to be completely effective, these products would have to be customized for each golfer because no two people see or hear the same message the same way, not to mention the difficulty of learning about motion on visual, auditory and static levels at the same time.

That said you can increase what you take away from golf DVDs as sources of information if you follow a few very simple, and seemingly bizarre, steps. These steps can make using DVDs much more productive for you than they probably have been up to now.

When you consider the process of learning about motion and the importance of visualization, the steps become obvious. While I will not guarantee results, I will promise you that your understanding of the information contained on a golf DVD will be greatly improved.

Here we go.

1.) When you receive your DVDs, sit and watch them from beginning to end. Put one after another in your DVD player, watch and listen to the message being conveyed as if you were watching a movie. Do not sit in your chair and try to figure out what is going on. Just watch and listen.

2.) Watch each DVD in the set WITHOUT SOUND. See if you can figure out what they are presenting for your consideration. In fact, from here on, when you refer back to the DVD, try NOT to turn the sound up. Why? Because, it is very difficult to learn via the auditory and visual systems at the same time when it comes to motion. Your unconscious mind is fed information visually and the conscious mind simply gets in the way of learning when it comes to motion.

3.) Turn the picture off and LISTEN to the presentation. This tests your ability to visualize what is going on during the presentation. Also, you might be surprised to find that what is going on visually and in print vs. what is being said does not necessarily match up. I call this a dichotomy of message. It often happens, and this is the only way you are going to figure it out.

I challenge you to try this with one of your old tapes or DVDs. Try it with one you have watched before. You might be surprised at how skewed the message actually is when applying the method of learning I have outlined. It could explain why you have had trouble deciphering the information in the past.

And for those of you thinking of getting the latest and greatest golf DVD for that special golfer on your gift list this holiday season. You might want to put a copy of this article with that gift. Someone will thank you, I am sure.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Follow my weekly articles all winter about off season practice and everything relevant to the learning process

I am starting a new service for readers of golf website mynegm.com.

Starting Wednesday 11/3 I will be posting articles weekly in the mynegm LESSON TEE area of the website under the INSTRUCTION section at the top of the page.

I will be writing about GOLF TRAINING AIDS, DVD LEARNING, EFFECTIVE INDOOR PRACTICE and much, much more.

Membership has its advantages.

While anyone can read and follow this weekly feature, FREE membership of mynegm.com gives you access directly to me. You can ask swing questions and winter practice questions. Members can contact me through my profile page as you progress this winter to improve your golf swing making the 2011 golf season your best ever!

The announcements have gone out and the first article will be up on Wednesday 11/3.
