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Thursday, April 11, 2013

THE MASTERS: Peter Murphy, International Teaching Pro, Gives Us A Look

Peter Murphy, International Teaching Professional, International Golf Team Coach and Director of Golf Development for the country of Morocco spent the day Tuesday at Augusta on the range and the course and gives us his take on this year's First Major in the Masters. 

Regardless of your level of play you are sure to pick up some interesting tidbits you can use when watching the Masters this weekend. In fact, you may look at the players with a new interest after listening to Peter.

Peter, talks about the players he likes this year and why, how the weather may play a role this year, the importance of the mental make up to effectively compete.  He also talks about what you just might learn from while watching this 2013 Masters Tournament.

This Podcast is sure to change the way you watch the event this year!

Check out this episode!

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