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Monday, September 27, 2010

It's your swng. Just ask Jim Furyk!

For over 30 years I have watched thousands of swings.  Many of the more unconventional worked for students but they were not satisfied as they felt they were not 'doing what they were supposed to'...

This from even low handicap players and even aspiring tour players. 

My comment to them has always been to encourage their unique golf swing while tweaking it.

Why?  As you saw on Sunday's win by Jim Furyk of both the Players Championship and the FedX Cup, there is NO unorthodox swing.....so long as YOU understand it AND the club is on plane and square at impact.

What IS important is that you understand how balance relates to your swing motion and how your golf swing/balance affects your rhythm, tempo and timing.

Swing the club the way YOU understand it.  Should you have balance issues, seek out a professional who can help you with THAT....and your swing...the way YOU understand it.

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