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Monday, September 27, 2010


Having been remiss in getting this blog going due to health issues and time constraints, I felt THIS might be a good way to 'get the ball rolling'......by giving readers a thumbnail of just 'who this guy is'.....Here we go!

I have been teaching for over 30 years around the U.S. and Caribbean, consulted on training aids, infomercials and teaching facilities as well as designing golf training aids over the years and co hosting a USGA national golf event.  To say my background is varied and colorful would be a very mild understatement.

Originally form central Ohio, I was considered a natural swinger of the golf club from the age of 8 years.  Unfortunatly, I had 'other' issues which prevented me from developing into a good competitor.  In retrospect, however, my 'issues' turned out to be a blessing in later years as I came to realize my true 'lot in life', namely, teaching and communication of the golf swing to clients of literally all skill levels.

My training?  Well, I think the call it the 'school of hard knocks'.  There is no better teacher than experience and reality.  I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to pick the brains of some of the most renown teaching pros, tour players and club manufacturers over the years.  This, along with my own rebuilding efforts after being forced out of the golf profession after a fall during a golf tournament left me partially paralyzed.  It was simply one of those freak things that happens.

My rebuilding efforts over 18 months which included hitting over 140,000 balls, (I did NOT set out to do that----just thinking about it makes me tired!!!).  Yes, I did rebuild my swing but what happened  along the way proved to be the greatest gift of all, for me.  I actually learned about the golf swing, mine.

I realized that trying to put every player into a particular swing mold is pure folly.  We all feel motion differently.

Oh, I did play college golf, briefly, at Indiana University.  Actually, during my college days I was on permanent 'recess'.....and THAT was far more important than getting an education or golf.....at the time..

That is a little about this guy who keeps writing these 'generic' sounding articles about the golf swing on the Internet and magazines as well as my weekly Internet/radio show, aptly named, THE mynegm LESSON TEE which can be heard streaming live at either wnri.com or mynegm.com every Wednesday from 12-1pm ET.  The show, from a little AM radio station in Woonsocket, RI has a following after just over a year on the air, in 18 states and Canada.

I commit to those who begin to follow this blog straight talk about the golf swing, non glamorous as it may seem at times.  It may bore you BUT I will almost guarantee if you will simply give what you read and hear from me a little thought....you might just wake up finding you are having more fun playing the game because you understand YOUR golf swing.  And, when that happens I have found your balance improves and hence your ball striking...

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.  Remember, the only question that is a dumb one is the one not asked.

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