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Thursday, September 30, 2010


If the answer to the 'title' question is YES....then now is the time......unless you are still playing during the absolute best time of year in the northern tier of states....

FIRST:  The season us officially 'over'...NOT....after Labor Day.  The biggest secret for those who don't play during the summer citing slow play as the biggest reason, the Fall of the year is the best time of year to play.  The leaves are changing making the vistas beautiful and, figuratively speaking, 'no one is home'....meaning the golf courses, other than golf outings, are vacant.  You can zip around a course, generally, in 4 hours or less!

Yep while most golfers have hung up their clubs to watch  football, the World Series and other sedentary things, those who love the game are still playing the game and enjoying 'fast' play!  O.K.  enough!  Now about swing improvement.

If you are really serious about turning over a new leaf when it comes to breaking those old swing habits and finally getting your golf swing to the point where you can actually trust and rely on it to deliver the scores you've  always known you were capable of.....the Fall and Winter is  the time to work on swing improvement.

The proliferation of indoor practice facilities and the increase of teaching professionals teaching at those venues, there is no longer any reason to put your golf swing on the shelf for the winter only to collect dust.

Simply by hitting a basket of range balls, say 2 or 3 times a week and finding a professional who can help you the way you process can and will almost certainly transform your game making your 2011 golf season one of your best.

I did not set out to hit 140,000 balls over a year and a half.  As I've said, when I think about it, I get REALLY tired!  Nope, I simply set out to hit a basket or two of balls a day, six days a week.....That's me!  I am in the profession.  You don't need to hit anything near that number to improve your ball striking and hence your game....

The only caveat;  you really should find a teaching professional you can trust and work with who can make suggestions that will help you gain a better understanding of and trust in your golf swing.

I honestly believe if you check around you are going to find at least one indoor practice facility within, say, 30-45 minuets of your home or office.....maybe closer!

Look into it, do your research and in my next post I'll be a bit more specific with tips to consider in seeking out a good teaching pro.....for you...


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