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Thursday, October 7, 2010


O.K.  ranting is done for the Ryder Cup, at least until 2012. 

It's time to move on to the golf swing.

Actually, I am putting my  latest article to bed for New England Golf Monthly's Holiday issue and will be posting part of it on the TLTGOLF blog later in this weekend.

In the meantime I am soliciting you, the readers, to suggest golf swing topics you would like covered in the weeks and months ahead as many of you set in earnest to improve your swing over the winter months with an eye on improving your game in 2011.

Be sure to give ME a little background including:  Your age, years playing, how often you play/practice, any lessons, past and present sports, (and I mean WAY back to high school), injuries or surgeries, occupation, education, right or left handed and handicap.

Also, if you would like me to reply to you 'privately' please let me know that too and I will do so.

Cheers and let me hear from you.

Thanks for following the TLTGOLF blog.

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