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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, almost the first day of the Ryder Cup is in the can....
Who'd of 'thunk' it....rain in Wales!  Who knows.  It may SNOW today!

The one thing that struck me watching a little of the Cup on Friday was something I don't recall seeing.  Maybe it is my 'old age' reflective nature.

I noticed that most, and I mean almost ALL the players looked nervous. 

While there is nothing I can put my finger on, it looked to me like they, (players), were all a bit nervous.

It's kind of nice to see players at this level suffering from a case of the nerves.

Don't misunderstand.  For years, I've told my clients if they were not suffering a case of the butterflies when they step on to the first tee in an event, something is wrong with them, or they have an ego that  is too big to play the game.

No, I'm talking about a general sense of timidness that seemed present in their golf swings.

It's one thing to 'get lost' in the field of a 144 man field in an event and quite another to be one of, say, 16 golfers under the microscope of the entire world.

I actually expect this case of the nerves to wane as Saturday's rounds get underway.  That said, and again, it is refreshing to see players at this level 'walking on eggshells'.  More later.

Enjoy the Ryder Cup!

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