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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I spent most of the hour talking about the impact of poor putting on the Ryder Cup today on my Internet/radio show.

My main point is, once you are 'in the saddle', ready to make your stoke, you don't second guess or even change up the normal pace of your putting routine.  I saw this almost all weekend from a majority of American players.  Who by the way, are regarded by most as the best putters on the planet!.

The timidness, apparent insecurity brought on by all the second guessing seemed prevalent on the U.S. team

Now, I can only imagine the amount of pressure one is under during a Ryder Cup event.  However, when under this type of pressure, one needs to stick with what works...and if it doesn't work.....you don't try to fix it during an event....and you most certainly don't change your routine thinking somehow that is going to make a difference.

I feel for the American Team.  I know they went to Celtic Manor hoping to keep the Cup.  I do not doubt that they gave it their best shot.

That said, I am haunted by what Jim Furyk's father said to him before the final round of Players Championship a couple short weeks ago: "Go play golf."
This simply means to relax and focus on playing the game.  The rest will take care of itself.

Well, we did that.  Only thing is we waited 'til Monday's singles matches to 'let go and play golf'.

And finally, almost in spite of themselves, team America STILL almost pulled out a victory!  ...In spite of all the over thinking going on.....

I am still in favor of a 'Flat Stick Seminar' and a couple Ryder Cup Match Play summer camps for the players from the U.S.....Who knows, with a little more trust in our ability, we just might bring one home from the 'old sod' in a few years!!!

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